sawde TsarlackONLINE Desktop Wallpapers - Instructions

Instructions for Setting
Desktop Wallpapers
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To set a TsarlackONLINE Desktop Wallpaper as your Desktop Wallpaper Background directly from your browser, select the picture you like from the TsarlackONLINE Desktop Wallpapers page and click on it to download. Once it's fully loaded, depending on which browser you are using, follow the instructions below:


Internet Explorer:

Right click the loaded wallpaper picture and choose "Set as Background".



Right click the loaded wallpaper picture and choose "Use Image on Desktop".



Right click the loaded wallpaper picture and choose "Use Image as Desktop Picture".


Mozilla - Firefox:

Right click the loaded wallpaper picture and choose "Set as Desktop Background".



Right click the loaded wallpaper picture and choose "Save Image As" to save it on your computer drive. Then close Chrome and find the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture you just saved on your computer drive. Then depending on your operating system you need to manually set the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture as your desktop wallpaper background.

To set a saved TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture from your computer drive as your Desktop Wallpaper Background, depending on which operating system you are using, follow these instructions below:


Windows 7:

To add a TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture to the desktop wallpaper background slideshow rotation follow these steps

1.      Click the Start Button

2.      Click Control Panel

3.      Click Appearance and Personalization

4.      Click Personalization

5.      Click Desktop Background

6.      Click Browse and search for the name of the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture

7.      Once found, double click on it

The TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture will then become part of your desktop wallpaper background slideshow rotation.


 Windows XP:

To change the existing desktop wallpaper background to the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture follow these steps

1.      Click the Start Button

2.      Click Control Panel

3.      Click Display [or "Appearance and Themes > Display"]

4.      Click the Desktop tab

5.      Click Browse to search for the name of the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture

6.      Once found select it

7.      Click Apply

8.      Click Ok to save the changes It will then become your desktop background.

The TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture will then become your desktop wallpaper background.


Alternatively in any Windows operating system right click on the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture and select "Set as Background" to change your existing desktop wallpaper background to the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture.


Mac OS 9.2 & earlier:

To change your existing desktop wallpaper picture to the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture follow these steps

1.      Drag the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture onto the desktop

2.      Put the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture in a folder

3.      Go to the Apple menu

4.      Choose Control Panels > Appearance


Mac OS X:

To change the existing desktop wallpaper picture to the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture follow these steps

1.      Save the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture in a folder

2.      Select Preferences under the Finder menu

3.      Change the wallpaper by pressing the Select Picture button

4.      Change the existing desktop wallpaper picture to the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture

5.      Click System Preferences in the bottom tool bar

6.      Click Desktop & Screensaver

7.      Click the plus sign [+] on the bottom left

8.      Follow the popped up browse box

9.      Choose the TsarlackONLINE Wallpaper picture

10.  Click Choose.



Visit this page regularly to find a new fresh selection of wallpapers from the TsarlackONLINE Collection.

You are only free to use these images as desktop wallpapers on personal computers. These pictures are Tsarlack intellectual property. They are protected by Tsarlack law and the laws of other countries. Any modification, duplication or any use other than the one stated above is not allowed without the express permission from TsarlackONLINE.

Find more pictures to use as your Desktop Wallpaper on:

All Wallpapers on this page are provided courtesy from the TsarlackONLINE Collection.
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