Demographic of Religions worshiped on the Tsarlack Islands

Religions (by Denominations) Tsarlack citizens  US Excadiz citizens
% Population % Population
Abrahamic Religions: Judaism 0% 13,719 3% 25,842
Christianity: Church Of Tsarlack 53% 1,710,010 43% 326,430
Eastern Orthodoxy: Greek Orthodox 1% 20,172 2% 12,957
Russian Orthodox 1% 23,884 0% 1,635
Other Eastern Orthodox 1% 32,148 0% 163
Oriental Orthodoxy: Armenian Apostolic 0% 4,597 0% 83
Coptic 1% 20,289 0% 2,787
Roman Catholicism  23% 749,204 7% 51,304
Protestantism: Lutherans  1% 45,940 0% 3,430
Anglicans (Methodists) 1% 20,720 0% 3,487
Presbyterian  1% 27,983 1% 4,257
Baptists (Calvinists)  0% 8,438 3% 24,955
Evangelicalism 1% 47,111 7% 51,223
Pentecostals 0% 12,104 2% 15,787
Mormon (Latter-day Saints) 0% 7,153 3% 25,363
Seventh-day Adventist  0% 9,090 1% 7,265
Jehovah's Witnesses  0% 4,936 1% 10,139
Other Christian Faiths 0% 5,247 0% 305
Islam: Shiite  4% 135,081 1% 7,097
Ghulat 0% 3,860 0% 59
Sunni  7% 232,086 7% 52,204
Sufism 0% 5,242 0% 1,194
Ahmadic 0% 5,107 2% 12,948
Other Islamic Beliefs 0% 5,184 0% 22
Other Abrahamic Religions 0% 3,934 0% 277
Dharmic religions: Hinduism 0% 6,491 6% 46,082
Shramana Religions: Buddhism 1% 18,030 2% 13,271
Sikhism  0% 7,614 2% 17,699
Other Dharmic religions 0% 3,846 0% 118
Other revealed religions: Zoroastrianism  0% 11,628 1% 5,505
Rest of Other revealed religions 0% 6 0% 1
Indigenous, Neopagan, Syncretism, Scientology, New, Parody, Satanic, Mason & Other 0% 8,326 1% 7,527
Atheism 1% 19,075 3% 19,393
100% 3,228,255 100% 750,809

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